Aug 5, 2024

How to start a business when you are broke

I (hope) this article provides you with a clear roadmap to help you decide what business to start, who to target, how to serve them, and the specific steps to attract your first five customers.

Leveraging insights from the successful entrepreneur behind, which aids tens of thousands in launching their first online ventures, we’ll delve into a proven framework that promises results.

Understanding the Business Framework

The 3 Ps Framework: Identifying Your Business Idea

1. Pain:

  • Personal Experience: Often, the best business ideas stem from personal challenges you’ve faced and overcome. For example, a mother of nine developed an efficient lunch preparation system out of necessity. Her experience could easily be turned into a business aimed at helping other large families manage mealtime efficiently.

2. Profession:

  • Leveraging Professional Skills: Your current or past job can be a goldmine for business ideas. Any skill that you’re paid for can be transformed into a consulting or coaching business.

3. Passion:

  • Interest-Driven Ventures: Your hobbies and passions can also be fertile ground for business ideas. Whether it’s fitness, painting model cars, or any other interest, these passions can be transformed into a profitable venture.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Your Business Niche

Step 1: Define Your What

Identify what your business will focus on.

Use the 3 Ps framework to brainstorm potential business ideas. Reflect on your personal pain points, professional skills, and passions to come up with a list of possibilities.

Step 2: Determine Your Who

Define your target audience by focusing on one of three categories:

  1. People Like You: These are individuals who share similar experiences or challenges that you’ve faced.

  2. People You’ve Helped Before: These can be individuals you’ve assisted in the past, whether for money or as a favor.

  3. Underserved Markets: Identify emerging trends and growing markets with high demand but low supply.

Step 3: Crafting Your Ideal Customer Profile

Narrow down your target audience using five key attributes:

  1. Age

  2. Gender

  3. Profession

  4. Problems or Pains

  5. Interests or Passions

Combine at least three of these attributes to create a detailed customer profile.

For example, instead of targeting all 35-year-old men, focus on 35-year-old male accountants who are bored at their jobs.

Step 4: Develop Your Unique Mechanism

Your unique mechanism differentiates your solution from others in the market. It’s a specific process, method, or system that sets your business apart.

For instance, P90X’s unique mechanism was “muscle confusion,” which, despite controversy, successfully sold hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of fitness programs.

The How: Delivering Value to Your Customers

How Part 1: Emphasizing the Upside

Highlight the benefits your business provides:

  • Ease: Make their lives easier.

  • Guarantee: Offer a guaranteed outcome.

  • Speed: Ensure faster results.

  • Dream Fulfilment: Help them achieve their ideal scenario.

How Part 2: Mitigating the Downside

Address the negatives your solution avoids:

  • Risks: Minimize potential risks.

  • Slow Process: Speed up traditionally slow processes.

  • Pain and Sacrifice: Reduce the effort and sacrifices needed.

Gather insights through interviews or surveys with your target audience to understand their specific pains and aspirations.

Combining Everything: Crafting Your Offer

Use a simple formula to create your business pitch: “I help [WHO] get [GOOD STUFF] without [BAD STUFF] through [UNIQUE MECHANISM].”

For example: “I help 35-year-old male accountants create a new income stream without sacrificing their free time through a streamlined consulting system.”

Bonus Tips: Getting Your First Five Customers

  1. Warm Outreach: Reach out to potential customers personally. Start conversations, offer value, and ask if they know anyone who could benefit from your service.

  2. Consistency: Dedicate four hours daily or reach out to 100 people every day until you secure your first five customers.

Leverage your experiences, skills, and passions to create a unique offering that resonates with a specific audience, and you’ll be well on your way to entrepreneurial success.

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